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Ph.D., Sociology, Pennsylvania State University (2013)​

      Dissertation: "Residential Mobility Following Incarceration"

      Committee Members: Glenn Firebaugh (chair), Barrett Lee, Derek Kreager, Kai Schafft


M.A., Crime, Law and Justice, Pennsylvania State University (2008)

     Master's Thesis: "Policing Civil Disobedience: Physical Intervention Protest Events and State Social Control"

     Committee Members: John D. McCarthy (chair), Michael Massoglia, Lee Ann Banaszak


B.A., Psychology and Sociology (cum laude), University of Wyoming (2004)





Criminology; consequences of incarceration; incarceration and stratification; crime and the life course; collective behavior and social movements; protest policing; social control; quantitative methodology


Warner, Cody and Jason Houle. 2018. “Precocious Transitions to Adulthood, Exits From, and Returns to the Parental Household.” Advances in Life Course Research 35:1-10. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody, Timothy Conley, and Riley Murphy*. 2018. “Criminal thinking shifts among male inmates participating in a cognitive-based education programme.” Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health. 28(2):152-157. DOI: (pdf)


Houle, Jason and Cody Warner. 2017. “Into the Red and Back to the Nest? Student Debt, College Completion, and Returning to the Parental Home among Young Adults.” Sociology of Education 90(1): 89-108. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody. 2016. “The Effect of Incarceration on Residential Mobility Between Poor and Non-Poor Neighborhoods.” City & Community 15(4): 423-443. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody and Gregory K. Sharp. 2016. “The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Life Events on Residential Mobility.” Advances in Life Course Research 27:1-15. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody. 2015. “On the Move: Incarceration, Race, and Residential Mobility.” Social Science Research 52: 451-464. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody and John D. McCarthy. 2014. “Whatever can go wrong will: Situational complexity and public order policing.” Policing & Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy 24(5):566-587. DOI: (pdf)


Ruback, R. Barry, Valerie Clark and Cody Warner. 2014. “Why do Crime Victims Become Victims Again? Substance Use, Depression, and Offending as Mediators of the Victimization-Revictimization Link.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 29(1): 157-185. DOI: (pdf)


Massoglia, Michael, Glenn Firebaugh, and Cody Warner. 2013. “Racial Variation in the Effect of Incarceration on Neighborhood Attainment.” American Sociological Review 78(1):142-165. DOI: (pdf)


Kreager, Derek A., Richard B. Felson, Cody Warner, and Marin Wenger. 2013. “Women’s Education, Marital Violence, and Divorce: A Social Exchange Perspective.” Journal of Marriage and Family 75:565-581. DOI: (pdf)


Firebaugh, Glenn, Cody Warner, and Michael Massoglia. 2013. “Fixed Effects, Random Effects, and Hybrid Models for Causal Analysis.” Pp. 113-132 in Handbook of Causal Analysis for Social Research (Stephen Morgan, Editor). New York: Springer. DOI: (pdf)


Massoglia, Michael and Cody Warner. 2011. “Consequences of Incarceration: Challenges for Scientifically Informed and Policy Relevant Research.” Criminology & Public Policy 10:851-63. DOI: (pdf)


Warner, Cody and Timothy Conley. 2017. “The STEPS to Economic and Personal Success (STEPS) Curriculum at Montana State Prison: An overview of cognitive & behavioral change.” Final Research Report. (pdf)

2010 - present

2010 - present

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